New device eases appearance of acne scars

MIAMI, Fla. – Of the 85 percent of teens and young adults who suffer from acne, up to 25 percent will be left with permanent scarring.

"My acne started late, when I was 18 years old," said Maria Elena.

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Elena has struggled with the after effects.

"There are so many different types of acne scars. The ones that are really indented, we call them rolling scars. There are the fine, very deep ones. We call those ice pick scars," explained Miami Dermatologist Dr. Leyda Bowes.

She says a device called the Icon XD Laser can help ease the appearance of all types of acne scars. The infrared light laser works deep under the skin to remove abnormal areas of skin that form the scar and sends a signal to replace it with new skin.

"That means new collagen that has a better orientation, that is healthy. Also new pigmentation, so overall, what you get is a very nice, smoother texture and better color as well," Bowes explained.

While the scars never completely go away, the results bring tears to Elena's eyes.

"I feel so happy," she said. "I want all the persons that have suffered acne scars like mine, at least they know that there is a solution, a real solution."

The laser generates heat. Patients are first numbed with a topical cream for about 45 minutes. Then the entire face can be treated in about 15 minutes. Each laser treatment starts at $600, and we're told it typically takes three to six treatments to see the best results.

Find a practitioner near you. Just enter your zip code and under Select Treatment, select "Acne and Surgical Scar Treatment."

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