Thinking now about fall allergies

Allergists say now is the time to prepare

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Even though we're just reaching the end of the spring allergy season, some doctors say now is the time to prepare for fall allergies.

Ragweed is a fall allergy that often causes people problems.  Not as many people suffer from fall allergies as spring allergies, but it's important to be proactive.

"If you do have fall allergies your symptoms will very likely start at the end of summer right when the kids are going back to school.  That's why you should start to be proactive that time of year take antihistamines or prescription nasal spray and certainly see your physician or allergist ahead of the season so you're ahead of the game and not waiting until you get sick," said Dr. Sunil Joshi, a local allergist.

The most common allergens in the fall that make people sick are ragweed, mold and other fall weeds.

They can be treated with allergy shots and prescribed or non-prescribed nasal sprays. The most common treatment is over-the-counter medicines like Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra. 

Dr. Joshi said we're hit harder with fall allergies in Florida because of the weather.

"Some people feel it's most affected by the weather because with global warming pollen may come out earlier but will last longer if freezes are delayed," said Dr. Joshi.

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